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Invited speakers

Roland Pfau

Roland Pfau is an associate professor in sign language linguistics at the Department of General Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam. His research is devoted to aspects of sign language morphophonology (e.g. pluralization), morphosyntax (e.g. agreement, classifiers, and reciprocals), syntax (e.g. relative clauses, questions, and negation), and grammaticalization. Much of his work focuses on German Sign Language and on the Sign Language of the Netherlands, but he is also interested in taking a typological and cross-linguistic perspective on these issues and I enjoy collaborating with colleagues who work on other sign languages (e.g. Catalan Sign Language, Indian Sign Language, Russian Sign Language).

Visit Roland Pfau's website.

Wendy Sandler

Visit Wendy Sandler's website.

Asli Özyürek

Asli Özyürek is Professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen and the Director of the Multimodal Language and Cognition lab. Her research in general investigates the relations between cognition (action, space), language, communication and development. More specifically, she focuses on two domains of human communicative behavior in which body and language are closely related, that is, gestures that speakers use along with speech and sign languages. Asli Özyürek is currently conducting a research project "Giving cognition a hand: Linking spatial cognition to linguistic expression in native and late learners of sign language and bimodal bilinguals" supported by the NWO-VICI Grant.

Visit Asli Özyürek's website.

Katharina Rohlfing


Visit Katharina Rohlfing's website.

Deanna Gagne

Deanna Gagne is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at Gallaudet University. She received her PhD from the University of Connecticut in Developmental Psychology with certificates in the Neurobiology of Language and the Cognitive Sciences. Her research interests include the ways in which language emerges and evolves within individuals and communities and the relationship between language and cognition. One particular area of interest is in the way that Codas (hearing children born to deaf signing parents) acquire and produce their signed and spoken languages as a unique form of bilingual, multimodal communication.

Visit Deanna Gagne's website.

Kate Rowley

Kate Rowley is a post-doctoral Research Fellow at University College London and City, University of London. In her PhD research she explored visual word recognition and reading processes in deaf and hearing adults using eye-tracking technology. In particular, she looked at the interplay between orthographic, semantic and phonological information in deaf readers whose primary language was British Sign Language (BSL). Her further research interests include sign language acquisition, language, literacy and cognitive development in deaf children.

Visit Kate Rowley's website.

Emmanuel Dupraz

Emmanuel Dupraz is a professor of Classics at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium) in 2013. He defended his Habilitation à diriger des recherches at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris, France) in 2010 and his doctoral thesis at the Université Paris-IV (France) in 2003. His research deals with the inscriptions and languages of Gaul and Italy. He has been working both in a linguistic (syntax, semantics) and in a sociolinguistic (uses of writing, pragmatics of inscriptions) perspective.

Visit Emmanuel Dupraz's website.

Anton Stepikhov

Anton Stepikhov, PhD (кандидат наук, доцент), associate professor of The Russian Language Department, St. Petersburg State University. Research field: syntax and prosody of spontaneous speech, the role of individuality in speech perception.

Anton Stepikhov (PhD) is an associate professor of The Russian Language Department at St. Petersburg State University. His research focuses on the interaction between syntax and prosody of spontaneous speech as well as on the role of individuality in speech perception. Particular interest is devoted to factors that determine ambiguous sentence boundary detection in unscripted speech. To these ends he uses a multidisciplinary approach which involves linguistics, psychology and cognitive science. His recent project “Sentence Boundary Detection in Russian Spontaneous Speech: An Experimental Study” (2015-2017) was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. In 2016 he was a research fellow at Leibniz Centre for General Linguistics (Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft – ZAS) as a grant-holder from DAAD and St. Petersburg University. Since 2015 he has been the member of the programme committee of the International Philological Conference held by St. Petersburg University. He was an invited lecturer at Groningen University (The Netherlands), Tartu University (Estonia), Donetsk National University (Ukraine) and Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany).

Visit Anton Stepikhov's website.
