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We gathered a few impressions from the LingCologne2019 conference. Click below to watch the video.

LingCologne2019: Multimodality

Conference on a multimodal view of language and the interactions of different language modalities

The official language of the conference is English. BSL and DGS interpretation will be available. The registration period for this event has expired.

University of Cologne, Germany
June 6-7, 2019

The LingCologne2019 conference will focus on a multimodal view of language and provides insights into the interactions of different language modalities (oral-vocal, visual-gestural and written modality) and the systems underlying these interactions.

Keynote presenters:

Roland Pfau (University of Amsterdam)
Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa)
Asli Özyürek (MPI for Psycholinguistics & Radboud University Nijmegen)
Katharina Rohlfing (Paderborn University)
Deanna Gagne (Gallaudet University)
Kate Rowley (DCAL, University College London)
Anton Stepikhov (St. Petersburg University)
Emmanuel Dupraz (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Areas of interest include the interaction between

  • gesture and speech
  • gesture and sign
  • sign and speech or writing
  • writing and speech

Call for posters (Closed)

The reviewing process of the abstracts for a poster presentation at LingCologne2019 has been completed. We are excited about 33 interesting, topically diverse posters on the interactions on different language modalities! Authors of accepted abstracts have been notified.
